The space shuttle Discovery took off on its final voyage on Tuesday, on a piggyback jet ride to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum's Virginia annex.
The Titanic was considered unsinkable but foundered in frigid Atlantic waters off Newfoundland after striking an iceberg.
Floyd "Creeky" Creekmore is one of the quieter acts in the circus. His larger-than-life clown shoes shuffle methodically as he works the crowd, igniting surprised giggles and wonder from children who look up to encounter Creekmore's wrinkled eyes smiling through thick makeup.
Google Inc is getting into the eyewear business with a pair of thin wraparound shades.
The Earth's sea levels could rise up to 22 meters in the distant future.
Heavy men are more likely than their peers with more normal weights to have low sperm counts.
Elizabeth, a Lhasa Apso, walks around the parade ring before winning Best in Show.
researchers will soon be testing the genes to work out why some heavy drinkers develop liver cirrhosis.
Researchers are reporting the first treatment to speed recovery from severe brain injuries caused by falls and car crashes.
Turkish surgeons were forced to remove one leg from a patient who had received the world's first quadruple transplant at a Turkish university hospital.
If you're banking on the world to end on December 21 with the conclusion of the Mayan calendar, you're in a minority, mainstream scientists said.