DAMASCUS - Syria's Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi on Monday unleashed a barrage of criticism against the rules of the Muslim Brotherhood in the region, namely in Turkey and Egypt, saying such rules have failed to lead their countries, according to the state-run SANA news agency.
"It has become clear that the ability of the Muslim Brotherhood, as a political organization, to present a model of administration, has failed for good," al-Zoubi said during a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the state-run al-Thawra newspaper in the capital Damascus.
Slamming Turkey's Justice and Development Party, which is seen by Syria as a Muslim Brotherhood party, al-Zoubi said the model of the Turkish leading party is not valid to be a leader of a state like Turkey with all of its plurality, political, social and cultural history.
Hitting at Egypt's Brotherhood leadership, al-Zoubi contended that the rule of Mohammad Morsi "has been able over a year to distort the reputation of Egypt in terms of its notion, and its institutional experience."
"The Brotherhood has presented the worst model of state leadership," he said.
The minister made the remarks as Egypt and Turkey are witnessing wide-scale protests against the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Syrian government led by rule of President Bashar al-Assad and his father Hafez has a history of enmity with the Muslim Brotherhood, especially in 1980s and recently during Syria's two- year-long crisis.
Egypt's Morsi and Turkey's Erdogan have emerged as a staunch allies to the opposition in Syria, including the armed one.
Last month, Morsi declared cutting off diplomatic relations with Damascus and further urged for holy jihad in Syria.