On leadership and Chinese dream
Alejandro Simonoff, an international studies expert at Argentina's National University of La Plata
He said the "Chinese dream" had set for the country's future development a goal that would electrify the country as a whole.
James Oruko, a lecturer with Kenya's Egerton University
He said the "Chinese dream" could help the country in accomplishing even greater achievements in promoting social welfare and economic growth.
The "Chinese dream" also means other countries will have more opportunities for development as they cooperate with China in a mutually beneficial manner.
Chung-yue Chang, philosophy teacher at Montclair State University, New Jersey, US
The strategic direction to be worked out at the Third Plenary Session will be critical for China's development over the next decade leading to the realization of the Chinese dream.[more]
Ms. Asha-Rose Migiro, the former Deputy-Secretary General of the United Nations
Recently, the new Chinese administration under the distinguished leadership of President Xi Jinping unveiled "The Great Chinese Dream." Through this dream China affirms its "commitment to connecting its development with that of Africa, aligning the interests of the Chinese people with those of the African people, and combing China's development opportunities with those of Africa" stressed President Xi.
It is in this regard that the Chinese dream has received immense appeal in Africa-it conjures a vision of collective achievement and resonates with the continent's dream.[more]
Robert Lawrence Kuhn, a longtime counselor to China's leaders
The Chinese dream doesn't collide with the American dream. Chinese people pursue their dreams by improving their own well-being, not by diminishing the well-being of others. This positive pathway is paved not with confrontation, aggression and zero-sum games, but with "cooperation, development, peace and win-win". These are the key positive elements by which human communities and civilizations thrive.[More]
Eswar Prasad, a professor at Cornell University, said Chinese leaders' aim for steady development reflects their wisdom in making economic and political policies.
Their cautious, but firm stance on reform would provide a living example for other countries, he said.