Mainland universities have found a new source of teaching faculty in Taiwan, where many talented academics are underpaid due to oversupply.
Hong Kong people are less happy compared with peers in Osaka and Seoul. Housing-related problems, a slowing economy and political bickering are dragging ratings down, according to a City University of Hong Kong poll.
The Hong Kong government should consider a "super" tax deduction of 200 percent for company expenses relating to research and development, innovation, brand building and market development conducted in "Belt and Road" countries, an Australian professional accounting body has suggested.
The Hong Kong dollar will remain depressed in the short term, given that capital flight will likely continue with further US rate hikes and speculative attacks on the local currency on the horizon. But a pause in the US monetary tightening cycle later in the year is possible, a strategist at CLSA forecast.
Nearly two-thirds of Hong Kong residents believe home prices in the SAR will fall in this year.
Taiwan has become one of the most popular travel destinations for mainland residents during the winter holiday season thanks to an increase in the quota allowed for tour groups.
Shanghai's gourmets will soon have the opportunity to try signature dishes from the Grand Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan without flying all the way across the Straits.
Cross-Straits talks on a free-trade agreement have been suspended as Taiwan goes through a political transition after its Jan 16 election, Phoenix Satellite Television reported on Tuesday.
Hong Kong's share of tourists from Chinese mainland is predicted to drop to 27 percent in 2020, down from a peak of 42 percent in 2012, according to the brokerage firm CLSA.
Experts on Taiwan have suggested that newly-elected leader Tsai Ing-wen should not avoid the 1992 Consensus to maintain cross-Strait relations.
An earthquake measuring 5.4 magnitude hit the waters close to Taiwan at 10:13 a.m. Beijing Time on Tuesday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).
Vowing to conduct an internal reform, Taiwan's former ruling Kuomintang party holds an extraordinary congress to appoint Huang Min-hui acting chairwoman.