
From the readers

India should put butter ahead of artillery

Updated: 2010-12-09 12:19


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Comment on "Growing hope for India-China border relations" (China Daily website, Dec 3)

A British Guardian article (usually sympathetic to India) reports today that Indians are even more malnourished these days "despite nutrition rehabilitation centers and ration shops."

What is the point of India arming the nation to the teeth with the latest super-duper armament? Indian pilots and soldiers are going to collapse on the runways from malnutrition before they can get into their latest jets, tanks or second-hand aircraft-carriers. Even shouldering the latest ultra-modern super-lightweight guns would be a problem for the weak soldiers tipping over all over the place. India should also stop its nuclear program - it cannot afford more than three nuclear missiles. The money would be better spent feeding its hungry people.

India should forget about the race to the moon, too. No point looking that far when the whole neighborhood is full of hungry, malnourished people. What's so great about going that far to outer space when right in India there remains so much hunger? The hungry do not need to know that India can go to the moon when it can't even feed its multitude.

AhmadtheNinja, on China Daily website


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