Most in survey want full disclosure of officials

Updated: 2010-11-30 13:20


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The government of Jiaxing, Zhejiang province recently published information about its official candidates and their family members to clear the public’s doubts about whether their background and private contacts had anything to do with the selection.

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Following the publication of the information, China Youth Daily conducted an online survey and found that 78.8 percent of the 2,525 interviewees believe there was a lack of disclosure in civil servants’ information. And 81.7 percent expect full disclosure of civil servants’ information, among which 49.3% say they look forward to such disclosure “very much.”

In the survey, 79.9 percent believe officials should disclose their “family property and investments,” and 77.1 percent “social status and financial situation of their parents, spouse and children.” Only 8.5 percent said the disclosure of official’s personal information may violate their privacy.

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