
Updated: 2015-01-09 10:58

(China Daily Europe)

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"It's like rocks being nearer the surface when the tide recedes.Ships could hit them."

Premier Li Keqiang, who warned of potential dangers in the economy as the growth rate slows. He said the Chinese economy has to expand within a reasonable range to prevent economic and social problems from emerging.

"Flawed criminal charges became a problem in China largely because of the public security authorities' pursuit of a higher conviction rate for murder cases."

Chen Yongsheng, a law professor at Peking University, after it was announced that Chinese courts reversed the highest number of wrongful charges and verdicts last year.


We must learn the lessons paid for with blood and reflect deeply on the incident."

Yang Xiong, Shanghai major, saying the city must bear in mind the costly lesson learned from the panic-stricken stampede on New Year's Eve, which left 36 dead and 49 injured.


(China Daily European Weekly 01/09/2015 page3)