
City of soldiers

Updated: 2011-07-29 11:28

By Zhang Xi (China Daily European Weekly)

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City of soldiers
4. August 1 Uprising Museum

It is classified as one of China's most important museums since the uprising indicates the birth of armed forces of the CPC. The museum, occupying an area of 4,480 square meters, was originally built in 1923 as a hostel.

In 1927 it became the headquarters of the uprising, led by several CPC leaders and it was there that CPC troops fired the first shots against the Kuomintang army.

This museum offers a great insight into the modern history of China and the conditions under which the CPC was able to grow and develop as an armed force and a political body.

5. Mount Lushan

This wonderful mountain, with more than 90 peaks, is located 100 km from Nanchang, but is well worth the trouble. In 1996 it was listed as World Heritage site because of its beauty and is an excellent summer destination.

Mount Lushan is teeming with wildlife and there are more than 3,000 plants, 2,000 insects, 170 kinds of birds and 37 types of animals. In fact, the foot of the mountain is a bird reservation called the Crane Kingdom.

There is also a famous and unusual attraction. The movie cinema at Mount Lushan holds the Guinness world record for playing the same film every day since 1980. Love on Lushan Mountain also was the first Chinese film to show an onscreen kiss, a major controversy at the time.

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