
City of soldiers

Updated: 2011-07-29 11:28

By Zhang Xi (China Daily European Weekly)

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City of soldiers
2. Shengjin Pagoda

The 1,000-year-old Tang Dynasty pagoda was built with bricks and wood and means "golden ropes".

It is said a bag was unearthed in the area before the construction of the pagoda. In the bag there were four golden ropes, a letter, three ancient swords, and a golden bottle with 300 Shelizi (teeth or bones of Buddha or saint monks left after their cremations).

All of these treasures indicated the good fengshui in this place, so the then government built Shengjin Pagoda here to protect residents of Nanchang city.

However, the pagoda was demolished several times because of wars and natural disasters. The latest renovation was finished in 2000.

As the tallest ancient style building in Nanchang, the 59-meter high pagoda has seven floors and each has sharp-angled eaves and eight doors. Looking from outside, the pagoda has eight angles and inside it has rotary stairs winding to the top.

Standing on the top floor of the pagoda, one can see the whole of Nanchang city, which is decorated with its flowing river and lush trees. Around the pagoda, there are many snack stores selling authentic local cuisines.

3. Bayi Park

This green space became a public park in 1932. After the foundation of New China in 1949, the park was decorated with little pagodas, walkways, humped marble bridges and cascades of willows sweeping down into the water.

The central lake is called East Lake, and was once a popular resort area during the Tang Dynasty.

The most famous part of the park is Baihuazhou, which includes three islets. This place became famous because of the causeway that is decorated with willow trees.

Renowned Tang poet Du Mu praised the park because of this special willow-lined causeway.

With blooming flowers, trees, zigzag bridges, stone sculptures, teahouses and a children's amusement center, the park is a good option for locals to escape the hustle and bustle of downtown for a slower pace of life.

The park holds big flower and lantern festivals every year, attracting a large number of visitors.


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