
Tips and Articles

Romance by the sea

Updated: 2011-07-01 10:29

By Liu Lu (China Daily European Weekly)

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Romance by the sea
Dalian is known for its pleasant climate and sandy beaches. It is a perfect getaway location during the summer. 

Old, colorful trams crisscross the city, which oozes traditional leisure and China's modern vigor.

1. Xinghai Square

In the western part of the city and in the commercial center of Xinghai Bay is the largest square in Asia - Xinghai Square. Covering a total area of 45,000 square meters, this massive public square is almost three times larger than the Tian'anmen Square in Beijing.

Its name literally means "the Sea of Stars" and the square center is surrounded by nine big ancient Chinese vessels.

Between the vessels are five huge lanterns in the shape of a navigation light.

The square is surrounded by some of the major attractions of Dalian that include the Xinghai Convention and Exhibition Center, a bathing beach, a huge indoor tennis court, an indoor swimming pool, a wide spectrum of quality restaurants, a bungee-jumping tower and a large aquarium.

2. Binhai Road

Binhai Road runs along an amazing 40-km strip of beach making it one of the city's premier tourist attractions.

The uniqueness of Binhai Road lies in the fact that it boasts of the rare blend of mountain and sea.

It is a national scenic area with imposing dense forestry on one side and panoramic coastline on the other.

Driving along the road, tourists will find a dozen attractions, like a string of pearls scattered along the road, including Bangchuidao Scenic Area, Laohutan Ocean Park, Swallow Nest Mountain and Fujiazhuang bathing place.

While driving down the road, you can enjoy clear fresh air blowing from the sea, therefore, the road is often referred to as a "natural oxygen bar".

The road has turned into a paradise for nature lovers and also a favorable sightseeing place for locals.


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