Paris success would boost global confidence

Updated: 2015-12-04 08:22

By Fu Jing(China Daily Europe)

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Meaningful outcome to climate talks needed to produce real solutions

As global leaders gathered in Paris to start critical talks on managing the world's carbon budget in the post-2020 period, United Nations General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon called for urgent worldwide action to deliver sustainable development.

In an article for China Daily's European Weekly, titled "This grandfather's hopes for the planet", the UN chief wrote: "I want my grandchildren to enjoy the beauty and bounty of a healthy planet. And like any human being, it grieves me to see that floods, droughts and wild fires are getting worse, that island nations will disappear and uncounted species will become extinct."

While Ban is concerned about the environmental crisis threatening humans, I am worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the Belgian capital. Next to Ban's article was one of mine titled "This father's hopes for son's safety in his city".

Paris success would boost global confidence

Europe is known for its peace project of regional integration and contributions to the global governance system in the face of different challenges. And the recent G20 summit in Antalya, Turkey, focused on making the world a better place in terms of economic growth, financial systems and sustainability governance.

But this planned process has been interrupted again and again.

On the eve of the G20 summit, a series of terrorist attacks took place in Paris, the repercussions of which are still unfolding in France, and in other parts of Europe. And even as Europeans worried about the possibility of further attacks in other cities, Turkey shot down a Russian plane, which was fighting against Islamic State militants in Syria, adding further uncertainties to the situation in the Middle East.

The terrorist attacks in Paris, which provoked France into announcing it was at war with IS, and the escalating tensions surrounding Syria, along with the recent muscle-flexing deployment of United States naval might in the South China Sea, have increased the concerns not only of people in Europe, but around the world.

Paris success would boost global confidence

The rapidly snowballing uncertainties and conflicts have scared people to an extent not seen since the Cold War. Facing the worsening and increasingly complicated international context, global leaders should not be complacent and pretend it is business as usual when they try to reach an agreement on addressing climate change.

Dealing with global warming is a chance for them to demonstrate solidarity in their willingness and ability to protect the global village. The leaders, representing their countries, should show vision, flexibility, inclusiveness and caring, and entrust their negotiating teams to conclude a Paris agreement after two weeks of cooperative talks.

A successful and meaningful outcome would help boost global confidence that the world's leaders can compromise and work together to realize solutions to our common difficulties.

This is the bottom-line yardstick to assess the achievements of the UN climate change summit. Going beyond that, the leaders should announce practical cooperation to fighting terrorism.

Leaders must take actions to offer the needed global public goods: security and safety, which are under immediate threat, in Europe, West Asia, North Africa and South Asia. To do so, they need to abandon their outdated geopolitical perspectives and integrate fresh thinking such as win-win strategies, global solutions and human destiny into their discussions to produce real solutions to today's problems.

Paris is the chance for them to do so, for the benefit of all.

The author is China Daily chief correspondent in Brussels. Contact the writer at

(China Daily European Weekly 12/04/2015 page14)