China to continue UN peacekeeping missions

Updated: 2013-10-31 09:41


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UNITED NATIONS - China would continue to support and participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations, a Chinese envoy to the UN said Wednesday.

Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, made the statement at a meeting of the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly committee on UN peacekeeping operations.

"United Nations peacekeeping operations, as an important means for maintaining international peace and security, have made important contributions to peacefully resolving conflicts, maintaining and building peace," Wang said, adding that the international community should promote the peacekeeping operations as international hotspot issues have become more complex.

Wang stressed that the UN peacekeeping missions should continue to adhere to the three core principles, namely, the consent of the states concerned, impartiality and non-use of force except in self- defence and defence of the mandate.

"The peacekeeping operations should also respect the sovereignty of the states concerned, strictly abide by the Security Council resolutions, fully utilize the political advantages of the UN, put emphasis on the prevention of conflicts, good offices and contribute to settlement of conflicts in a peaceful manner," he said.

Noting that some missions lack equipment, logistical support, training and sufficient budget, the envoy said the call of troop- contributing countries for adequate resources should also merit adequate attentions.

Meanwhile, the UN and regional organizations should strengthen their cooperation and coordination, as the latter has a better understanding of the situation on the ground, said Wang, adding that on the other hand, the UN can help regional organizations in capacity building such as personnel training, information and experience sharing.

China is an active participant in United Nations peacekeeping operations and has made an important contribution to the cause, Wang said.

More than 1,800 Chinese peacekeepers are deployed in nine mission areas. In mid-October, China hosted the 6th Peacekeeping Experts' Meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum, where the regional countries exchanged experiences in peacekeeping training.

China has also hosted a United Nations military observers training course, providing training for dozens of military officers from 15 countries in the world.

"China is prepared to continue to support and participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations and, together with the international community, to promote the cause of peacekeeping and make a greater contribution to maintaining international peace and security," Wang said.