
From the readers

How to make food safe

Updated: 2011-05-23 08:00

(China Daily)

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Comment on "Govt urged to strengthen food safety" (China Daily, May 18)

Food safety has become a serious issue in China. Almost everyone talks about food safety scandals and is worried about whether what they eat everyday is safe.

Generally, the public is somewhat pessimistic about the current situation of food safety.

I think the frequent food safety scandals not only expose enterprises' illegal practices, but also some authorities' irresponsibility.

The authorities should take the major part of the blame for the scandals, because they are the result of their lax supervision.

To change the situation, the authorities should take effective action as soon as possible. In the survey mentioned in the news report, most of the respondents said government officials should be graded according to their success in food safety issues. The suggestion to link food safety issues to officials' political performance is welcome.

Food safety is related not only to people's health, but also to the construction of a harmonious society. It's high time that the government paid more attention to it and rebuilt the public's confidence in the authorities.

Mary, via e-mail

Readers' comments are welcome. Please send your e-mail to opinion@chinadaily.com.cn or letters@chinadaily.com.cn or to the individual columnists. China Daily reserves the right to edit all letters. Thank you.

(China Daily 05/23/2011 page9)


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