

Never a dull moment

2014-01-31 06:43

Market crashes and wars have marred past Years of the Horse while World Cup has been a constant

New world opens for all investors

2013-11-29 10:31

China will introduce a new, fairer and more efficient administrative model for foreign investment, according to the Commerce Ministry.

Reform is to serve as stimulus to new growth

2013-11-29 10:31

Economic vitality will be stimulated after the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, with the country expected to see a relatively high growth rate until 2020, a top policy adviser says.

Turning point in bilateral trade

2013-11-22 10:35

The current round of negotiations between China and the European Union in Beijing will have a far-reaching impact on bilateral trade ties and pave the way for an investment agreement between the two sides, experts say.

Business leaders want better Sino-EU ties

2013-11-22 10:35

Chinese and European Union business leaders have urged China and the EU to work more closely together as political leaders from both sides work on a 5-10 year plan to improve relations.

Heading in the right direction

2013-11-15 09:56

Though strategic partnerships will be the main focus of the China-EU summit that begins on Nov 21 in Beijing, expectations are rife that the two sides will eventually sign an investment agreement that aims among other things to reduce the simmering trade tensions.

Urban-rural divide near top of agenda

2013-11-08 09:18

Plenum may stress on the need for more coordinated efforts between ministries, local governments

Bound by water, power and brains

2013-10-25 10:01

You would be hard pressed to find a more identical pair of non-identical twins. On one side is Shanghai, straddling the mighty Huangpu River, which acts as one of its chief economic arteries. On the other side is Hamburg, sitting astride the Elbe, which acts similarly for the German port city.

Li stresses transformation of economy

2013-09-13 10:03

China must push forward economic transformation and structural reform to achieve sustainable and healthy growth, Premier Li Keqiang said on Wednesday.

Deal ensures supplies of natural gas

2013-09-06 09:28

The Chinese and Turkmen presidents announced on Sept 4 the completion of the first phase of the Galkynysh gas field, which will supply gas to China.

'Diamond decade' expected

2013-09-06 09:28

China keen to expand trade and investment with asean bloc


2013-09-06 09:28

"Cloud seeding to coax rain can relieve agricultural drought, reserve water for lakes, cool down high temperatures and ease pollution."

Trade head: Shenyang's Sino-German prosperity

2013-08-02 08:56

It is my honor to introduce my hometown - Shenyang, capital of Liaoning province in Northeast China - to our friends in Germany's business circle.

Success in range of sectors for industrial powerhouse

2013-08-02 08:56

Shenyang has a solid industrial foundation in a range of sectors and a balanced portfolio of capabilities that allows businesses in many sectors to be profitable.

Eastern allure

2013-06-21 09:00

Are Africans now looking eastward? There can be no doubt that with trade with China rising more than ten-fold over the past decade from $18.54 billion in 2003 to $200 billion last year, Africa's commercial ties have pivoted in that direction.

In the company of good friends

2013-06-21 09:00

Sara Elhassan says she did not develop an interest in China until she studied in the West.

Tropical utopia

2013-05-24 09:11

Lying on the Mekong River in Yunnan province, Xishuangbanna is the only tropical rainforest nature reserve in China and home to the country's last wild elephants.

Korean corner

2013-05-17 08:41

Vast and culturally diverse, sometimes it is possible to find a part of China that feels like someplace else.

Breath of fresh air

2013-05-03 08:29

Sitting at the entrance to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and as the gateway to the region by train, Xining is well traveled.

Unsung beauty

2013-04-26 08:40

The second largest city in Hubei province, central China, Yichang is blessed and cursed with its proximity to the Three Gorges Dam.

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