

Miniascapes: nature's miniatures

Updated: 2011-02-23 17:10


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An introduction to miniascapes

A miniascape is a miniature of natural scenery, and at the same time a combination of several kinds of art including gardening, painting, literature, among others.

To produce a pretty miniature landscape, artists first have to cultivate many plants into elegant shapes, and produce many mountain rocks that have artistic style. Then, using their fine technique and in pots of different sizes, shapes, colors, and materials, miniascape artists will arrange the plants and rocks together with some dirt and water to form well-proportioned layouts. The final works are imitations of the natural scenery, but usually, they surmount the raw nature, because they are more artistic.

Along with the changes in time and season, miniascapes can present various postures, colors and artistic concepts. It is no wonder that people regard miniascapes as “tridimensional pictures” and “silent poems.”

Miniascapes: nature's miniatures

To some extent, the art of miniascapes is an integration of aesthetics, literature and science. For the artists, the meaning of knowing aesthetics lies in that the potted works tend to bring beauty to people’s lives; the meaning of knowing literature lies in that the works should possess the poetic and pictorial splendor that literary works always have; the meaning of knowing science lies in that they have to handle the characteristics and rules of plant-growth, so as to keep the lives and elegance of the plants through scientific nurture and the artistic process.

Potted landscapes are different from pot planting. As merely a cultivation method, the latter only requires the transplantation of trees or flowers from plain earth into clay pots without regard for the composition of different elements; however, a potted landscape needs to be a combination of cultivation techniques and plastic art. To form the perfect artwork, it demands that the plants, the pot and the tray work well together.

Miniascapes: nature's miniatures

A brief history and the modern development of miniascapes

The miniascape art originated in China about 1,000 years ago. In the world family of arts, it is a high-quality eastern art form rich in its natural appeal. As a gem of the Chinese gardening culture, miniascapes are usually designed according to the artists’ perception of natural scenery.

It is said that the first inspiration comes from the trees rooted on cliffs, which are always short and twisted, but have a distinctive beauty. Later, this particular form of art was learned and developed by the Japanese.

Today the miniascape has mainly two categories: plant miniascapes and mountain-water miniascapes. The former category, made of living green plants (usually old and twining ones), requires more complex techniques to fulfill the artistic effect. The later one, however, is usually made of lifeless materials such as rocks, water and earth, and is most commonly used to capture the grandeur of mountains and rivers.

Miniascapes: nature's miniatures

After the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, especially after 1978, the ancient art of miniascape regained its vitality and entered into a period of high-speed progress. This can be seen by the following:

Miniascapes: nature's miniatures

First, related organizations are mushrooming across the country. In 1981, the Chinese Association of Flowers, Plants, and Miniascapes was founded. In 1988, the Chinese Association of Miniascape Artists was founded in Beijing. The establishment of these groups has greatly promoted the rapid growth of miniascape culture in China. At present, miniascape organizations have been established in most Chinese provinces, autonomous districts and municipalities. Miniascape associations are even established in many counties, enterprises and public institutions.

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