

'Oh, you paparazzi are really joy-killer!'

Updated: 2011-04-15 18:01


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Hey, pal, where did you get this black coat?

'Oh, you paparazzi are really joy-killer!'

Employee Christina Kosorygina shows off three one-month-old jaguar cubs at the Leningrad city zoo in St. Petersburg, April 14, 2011. Black male jaguar Rock and spotted female jaguar Agnessa gave birth to the three cubs on March 15, according to the zoo employees. [Photo/Agencies]

Well, it's the latest hair fad in the zoo!

'Oh, you paparazzi are really joy-killer!'

A zoo keeper holds baby orangutan Boo, a 9-month-old orphan, as it plays with a toy during a presentation at the Madrid Zoo & Aquarium April 14, 2011. Boo, the first orangutan born at the zoo, has been adopted by a female orangutan and is bottle fed by one of the keepers, according to the zoo. [Photo/Agencies]

Thanks to the vendor's work, my wife kicked me out. "You were red," she said.  

'Oh, you paparazzi are really joy-killer!'

A vendor sells colored chicks in the run-up to Easter in a street in Beirut April 14, 2011. [Photo/Agencies]


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