Russian space freighter docks with ISS

Updated: 2012-01-29 14:18


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MOSCOW - The Russian Progress M-14M space cargo ship docked with the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday, the mission control center said.

The spacecraft, which was launched Thursday, docked with the Pirs module in automatic mode as scheduled at 04:08 Moscow time (0008 GMT), according to mission control.

It delivered a 2.6-ton consignment, including water, food, oxygen and various scientific equipment for the six-man ISS crew.

During its two-day flight, Progress made three orbital corrections before docking with the ISS.

This was the first Russian space launch this year.

Progress freighters have been the backbone of the Russian space cargo fleet for decades. Russia lost a Progress cargo ship in 2011, the only one in 30 years.