

Visit of Iranian ships to Syria within normal co-op

Updated: 2011-02-28 19:09


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DAMASCUS - Iranian Ambassador to Damascus Ahmad Mousawi said the visit of two Iranian ships to Syrian is within the normal cooperation between the two countries.

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In an interview with the Syrian Al-Watan daily published on Monday, Mousawi said that cooperation between Tehran and Damascus arouses Israel's anger.

"The Iranian-Syrian ties haunt them and confuse their plans and that is why they try to exaggerate events," Mousawi was cited by Al-Watan as saying. "These two ships sail into international water due to the international laws," he added.

The Iranian ships arrived in Syria on Thursday for a training mission.

On Saturday, chief of Syria's Navy Taleb al-Bari and his Iranian counterpart Habibollah Sayyari signed a naval training agreement.


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