

Norwegians fight grief with love

Updated: 2011-07-29 07:50

By Miri Abrahamsen (China Daily)

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Whoever I speak to in Norway looks sad these days, regardless of the topic of conversation.

The streets lack their usual bustle, and people speak in quieter voices.

Grief, fear, helplessness and anger are some of the prevailing feelings after at least 76 people were killed in Friday's bomb blast at the government headquarters in Oslo and the shooting massacre at a Labour Party youth camp hours later.

However, there is another emotion that is more dominant, a feeling of love.

In the wake of the massacre, there is a national mood of care and compassion.

Norway is a small country. We are not used to violence, and certainly not on this scale.

Oddly enough, could the terror have made Norwegians rethink their values and made them decide to take more care of each other?

Since Friday, all broadcasters have scrapped their regular schedules and provided a non-stop stream of news. I did not realize that I was able to cry so much on behalf of complete strangers.

Numerous volunteers have helped the victims directly, but we, the audience, can only offer our sympathy through public gatherings.

As Oslo Mayor Fabian Stang declared: "Together, we will punish the murderer. And we shall punish him by offering more generosity, more tolerance, more democracy."

Gunn Jones, 37, said that she was most shocked by the way the terrorist acted so coolly, and how he had carefully planned the acts over nine years.

"Maybe we are a bit naive. Norway is a very open and free society, which is an ideal. But it makes us very vulnerable. However, I think people like Anders Behring Breivik can be found in any society, and if they operate alone, they are almost impossible to track down.

"We will meet hatred with love," said Jones.

Since the tragedy, Norwegians have shown remarkable solidarity.

Many businesses have closed to let their employees mourn, and every city has held remembrance ceremonies.

Politicians across the spectrum have united, and there is strong feeling that politics, race and social status mean nothing. Churches have kept their doors open around the clock, and have been frequented by masses of people who light candles, pray and leave flowers to show sympathy.

The biggest manifestation of solidarity was a rally on Monday in which more than 150,000 people gathered in the center of Oslo, where Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg appeared alongside Crown Prince Haakon Magnus.

When the Crown Prince started speaking, it was clear that his message was love, not hate or revenge.

"Tonight our streets are filled of love," he said. "We have chosen to meet cruelty with affinity, we have chosen to meet hatred with unity. We want a Norway where we live together in freedom to mean and speak out freely, where differences only mean possibilities and where freedom is stronger than fear."

Prime Minister Stoltenberg added: "Evil can kill a human being, but never conquer a whole nation."

But probably the most amazing statement was made by one of the young people who escaped the massacre.

Eskil Pedersen, the leader of the Labour Party's youth organization, said: "He (Behring Breivik) used weapons. We will use our right to vote. We will not hate or seek revenge. We will meet hatred with love! The youngsters did not die just so that we can hate more."

For China Daily

(China Daily 07/29/2011 page12)


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