

China's rise to alter world order

2015-05-22 08:05

Even if China realizes its second centennial goal of "building a prosperous and strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious socialist modern country" in 2049, the United States will not necessarily lose its superpower status.

Real problems need real solutions

2015-05-22 08:05

Fighting poverty, protecting the environment and providing healthcare to the poor (if we, for the moment, ignore ending conflicts, armed and unarmed alike) seem to be the overriding priorities of politicians and think tanks across the world. Indeed, they are noble goals.

To steer growth, trust in free market

2015-05-22 08:05

As a visiting professor in Beijing, I spent an evening talking about China's economic development with a group of futures traders at a short executive education course.

Ironies abound in housing market

2015-05-22 08:05

It's already reported that China's urban housing market is starting to pick up. A rise in business and in prices is obvious in the first-tier cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen - compared with the previous months.

China's new road began in small village

2015-05-22 08:05

With President Xi Jinping making two Silk Road trips in Asia and Europe in April and May, China has turned a new page in its adventurous opening-up process after sustaining its fast development miracle for decades.

China poised to take a global step forward

2015-05-15 08:41

Just when we were getting accustomed to China's stunning diplomatic success in bringing Europe and Asia together to launch the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, along comes another big test of China's position in the global pecking order.

The rationale for digital single market

2015-05-15 08:41

The European Commission unveiled the digital single market strategy for Europe recently.

China opposes alliance with any country

2015-05-15 08:41

To say China and Russia are forging a new ideological bloc is simply absurd. The term ideology is misleading. What does it mean? No country in the world likes outside interference in its internal affairs, ideology or no ideology.

China's pivot to green finance

2015-05-15 08:41

Much has been said about the state of China's natural environment. Estimates of at least $5 trillion, or about half of China's annual GDP, needed to repair the environmental damage done over recent decades gives a sense of the magnitude of the challenge.

Finding a lasting way out of local debt

2015-05-15 08:41

It is not a publicity campaign. And in China, officials doing something without an accompanying publicity campaign often means the activity is still of an experimental nature.

West has spurned Putin's peace gesture

2015-05-15 08:41

With a glorious military parade and other emotional arrangements being staged recently, Moscow and the whole of Russia have been filled with sober respect and remembrance for those heroes sacrificed in the 1941-45 Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany.

How to keep Belt and Road green

2015-05-08 07:35

Being the leading non-governmental environmental body in the United States, today's Environmental Defense Fund bears little resemblance to the fledgling organization founded by scientists in the 1960s.

Chinese brands in the driving seat

2015-05-08 07:35

This year's Shanghai auto show, the most eagerly awaited industry event in China, if not the world, may have captured global headlines for the absence of the usual scantily clad "booth babes", but it was most notable for the step-wise increase in competitiveness of the Chinese car brands on display.

Low iron ore prices cause angst

2015-05-08 07:35

Iron ore, the raw material for steel, rose about 25 percent in price during the course of April after hitting eight-year lows. But there is no guarantee the trajectory will remain upward.

Mission of the now doesn't forgot the past

2015-05-08 07:35

Peace and development are the themes of China's diplomatic efforts, which is not a cliche but an important part of President Xi Jinping's agenda.

Economic slackers will not be tolerated

2015-05-08 07:35

In perhaps no country is the economy more closely linked to the government than in China. From time to time, the editorial line of the official newspaper, the People's Daily, will be watched as an early indicator of any possible change in the wind in the marketplace.

Xi always looking at the bigger picture

2015-05-01 08:05

A historic walk in which many Asian and African leaders took part in Bandung, Indonesia, completed the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the 1955 Asian-African Conference in the city.

Projects promote fairness as supreme value

2015-05-01 08:05

China should stop other countries from politicizing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the belt and road initiatives by making the projects' strategic objectives clear to the world and ensuring they function transparently and efficiently.

Days of high profit growth are over

2015-05-01 08:05

Here's why Chinese banks are reluctant to lend even though the central bank has cut both the interest rates and banks' reserve requirements: Their clients (mostly those on the corporate level) are besieged by more and more difficulties in the market and are less and less able to pay back their borrowings.

Let words of conflict be put to rest

2015-05-01 08:05

In the domain of international political and economic relations, academics have the habit of using belligerent words, such as war or duel, to trigger misleading debates that may not reflect reality.

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