Cover Story

A winning strategy starts with a new jet

Updated: 2011-04-15 11:08

By Francois Chazelle (China Daily European Weekly)

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A winning strategy starts with a new jet

China is the fastest growing private/corporate jet market in the world and it will continue to grow as more and more Chinese companies are ambitiously expanding their businesses and the number of wealthy people in China continues to grow rapidly.

In 2010, China surpassed Japan to become the second largest economy in the world and its GDP is forecast to grow by 7 percent annually. But corporate jets are still new in this market.

The first Airbus corporate jet (ACJ) was delivered to China in 2005 and in the past five years, Airbus has sold more than 20 ACJs in the country, four a year on average, representing 25 percent of the company's global sales.

Airbus expects to sell at least five corporate jets annually to China over the next few years.

Airbus sold two ACJs to China in the first quarter of this year. In China, there are six ACJs in operation, with three registered on the mainland. Two more ACJs will soon be in service in China.

Although Airbus has very strong sales in China, it has the impression that it's only a start, compared to the market's huge potential.

One characteristic of the fast-growing Chinese companies and the emerging wealthy people in China is that they want top-level products. Corporate jets are no exception.

A corporate jet is not sheer consumption, it's also a tool for Chinese businesses to achieve their ambition to win in either domestic, regional or world market.

Corporate jets can help businesses to succeed and grow as they can provide the most efficient way of working while traveling.

With a corporate jet, business people can set their own schedules and avoid queues at airports. Busy business people can visit several cities a day, saving valuable time.

Corporate jets can also take them to remote airports where regular flights are rare.

The rapid development of the VIP charter flight business has also boosted demand for corporate jets in China. Deer Jet Co Ltd of Beijing, the largest VIP charter provider in China, will soon take delivery of its first ACJ that it will dedicate to VIP charter flights.

Corporate jets are also invaluable assets for leasing companies. As more and more Chinese banks seek investment opportunities, corporate jets become a good choice.

To satisfy the strong demand from the Chinese market, Airbus has adjusted its organization to put more resources in Asia, especially China.

The company has so far set up offices in Hong Kong and Beijing for ACJ sales to quicken its response to market demand.

In the near future, it will not be a surprise if more corporate jets take off and land at Chinese airports. Also, it will not be a surprise to see more Chinese people fly the world in corporate jets.

The continuous high-speed economic growth is the driving force behind it.

The author is vice-president, Airbus corporate jets.


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