
Smooth evacuation

Updated: 2011-03-04 10:24

(China Daily European Weekly)

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China's success in evacuating its nationals from turbulent Libya culminated on Wednesday after the Foreign Ministry announced that a total of 35,860 Chinese had been safely helped to leave the North African country. All Chinese who desired to leave, and whose whereabouts were known, have now been evacuated from Libya.

This is the largest and the most complicated overseas evacuation operation ever conducted by the government since the People's Republic of China was founded on Oct 1, 1949.

No wonder the country's quick response, efficient organization, harmonious coordination and strong logistic support, has earned praise both at home and overseas.

We offer our warmest welcome to all our compatriots who have already returned home or are on their way home. We offer our gratitude to all the Chinese people involved in the operation and the foreign countries that have provided generous support to the Chinese effort.

It is noteworthy that China also helped 12 countries to evacuate about 2,100 of their citizens. This embodies the country's commitment to its international humanitarian responsibilities.

The Libya operation is proof that only when a nation grows stronger does it have the capability to protect its citizens, no matter where they are.

The on-going convulsion in Libya not only wreaked havoc in the country but also escalated tensions in the region and the world at large. The undesirable scenario arguably attests to the importance of stability for a nation's development.

At a time when peace and stability seem to be a luxury to an increasing number of countries in the world, the international community should make efforts to shore up hope for peaceful solutions to regional crisis.

In recent years, bracing up to the government initiated "going global" strategies, a large number of Chinese enterprises have launched overseas research and development operations, as well as production and distribution.

But the huge property loss many Chinese companies have suffered in Libya should once again remind those who are vying for the overseas market of the potential risks.

Statistics show that by the end of 2009 China had set up a total of 13,000 overseas enterprises in 177 countries and regions with overall assets reaching more than $1 trillion.

Chinese enterprises' overseas operations have contributed to the process of building an open economy. Given the considerable amount of Chinese investment in the developing world, it has also helped developing countries enhance self-development capacity, improve the livelihoods of their peoples and narrow the North-South gap.

To better protect the safety of their properties overseas, Chinese companies should raise their risk-resisting awareness and remain vigilant on regional or civil disorder, which could spell disaster for investors.


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