Quotes on China-Japan tie at Beijing-Tokyo Forum

Updated: 2013-10-26 20:59


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About historical views

Quotes on China-Japan tie at Beijing-Tokyo Forum

How do Japanese schools tell the stories of Japanese aggression to China during the Second World War?

- Ma Weigong, senior editor of China Radio International

Japanese representatives were all silent...

Li Ge, the Chinese host of the media forum, broke the silence by proposing the Japanese host, Ogura Kazuo answer the question.

About purchasing the Diaoyu Islands

Quotes on China-Japan tie at Beijing-Tokyo Forum

Japanese media did a lot of investigations about the motive behind the Japanese government's decision and how the Japanese government's decision was misunderstood. Have Chinese media outlets also done the same investigating reports?

- Aida Hirotsugu, senior editor of Kyoto News Agency

Whatever the motive behind the Japanese government's decision was, it changed the status of the Diaoyu Islands issue. It's unacceptable to the Chinese people.

- Li Ge, the Chinese host

Quotes on China-Japan tie at Beijing-Tokyo Forum

The Japanese government took advantage of cunning timing when China was experiencing a leadership transition and the US was mulling its return to the role as a dominant player in the Asia Pacific region. China in transition wanted stability, while high-profile US strengthened Japan's status as the most important US ally in this area.

- He Lan, associate professor from Communication University of China