Official asked to self-criticize for wrong words

Updated: 2013-07-02 19:45


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A government official in Jiangsu province's Suzhou has been ordered to make a self-criticism for telling petitioners that one responsibility of police is beating people, the Xiaoxiang Morning News reported.

Unidentified Web users uploaded a video online last week, in which a man in his 30s told a group of residents that "if police officers don't beat people, what are they fed for?"

According to those who uploaded the video, the man was a senior official with the Suzhou Bureau for Letters and Calls. The shocking statement was made recently while the official was talking with residents while they filed a petition to the agency against their property developer.

The Suzhou Bureau for Letters and Calls, which is commissioned to receive letters, calls and visits from individuals or groups on suggestions, complaints and grievances, confirmed on Monday that the man is one of its officials and he made an "improper statement" when receiving petitioners on June 28.

But the agency declined to reveal the man's identity or position.