Super typhoon Sanba to bring storms to NE China

Updated: 2012-09-16 10:54


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BEIJING - China's meteorological authority said Sunday the super typhoon Sanba will bring rainstorms to the country's northeastern regions over the next two days.

Sanba, the 16th typhoon of the year, was positioned at about 65 kilometers east of the Japanese island of Okinawa at 5 am, according to a statement posted on the website of China's National Meteorological Center (NMC).

The typhoon will move northwest at a speed of around 25 km per hour and bring heavy rainfalls to China's northeastern provinces from Monday to Tuesday, the center said.

Storms will hit the north and southeast of Heilongjiang province and eastern Jilin province over the next two days, while some regions will see downpours of 100 to 120 millimeters, the NMC forecast.