Courts urged to enhance security

Updated: 2012-07-26 14:06


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BEIJING - The Supreme People's Court (SPC) of China has urged courts at all levels to severely crack down on crimes jeopardizing state and public security, terrorist and underworld activities.

Courts across the country should relentlessly punish criminals that carry out bombings, murders, robberies and trafficking of children and women to enhance the public's sense of security, according to a SPC statement released after a SPC internal meeting held Wednesday.

The safeguarding of the people's well-being should be highlighted in courts' work, said the statement. Courts should scrupulously judge cases concerning employment, social insurance, medical care and compensation claims, which are closely related to the people's vital interests.

The SPC pledged to reinforce judicial assistance to vulnerable groups in society and weak enterprises, and expand channels for receiving people's petitions.

It also urged courts to properly solve conflicts and disputes among people so to create a stable social environment for the upcoming 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as well as achieve an unification of judicial and social effects.