

China launches new communication satellite

Updated: 2011-09-19 06:30


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China launches new communication satellite
Communication satellite Zhongxing-1A carried by a Long March-3B rocket carrier blasts off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the Southwest China's Sichuan province, Sept 19, 2011. [Photo/Xinhua] 

China launches new communication satellite

  Communication satellite Zhongxing-1A carried by a Long March-3B rocket carrier prepares to blast off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the Southwest China's Sichuan province, Sept 19, 2011. [Photo/CFP]


XICHANG, Sichuan - China successfully launched a new communication satellite, Zhongxing-1A, from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwestern Sichuan province early Monday.

The satellite, lifted by a Long March-3B rocket carrier, blasted off from the center at 0:33 am and successfully entered the preset orbit, sources with the center said.

Zhongxing-1A was designed and manufactured by the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

The satellite will provide high-quality voice communication, broadcast and data transmission services for users across China.

The launch was the 146th mission for the Long March carrier rocket series.


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