

China vows to save kidnapped kids from Xinjiang

Updated: 2011-04-27 01:18


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NANCHANG - China's Ministry of Public Security has vowed to spare no effort in saving minors from northwestern Xinjiang who have been kidnapped and forced to commit crimes.

"Police departments across the country will launch a severe crackdown on those who organize and manipulate the kidnapping of children from Xinjiang and force them to engage in criminal activities," Vice Minister Zhang Xinfeng said at a meeting on Tuesday.

Zhang noted that in recent years, China has seen an increase in cases in which minors in northwestern Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region were kidnapped and forced to participate in crimes, such as theft and robbery.

Zhang said the crackdown aimed to protect the rights of Xinjiang minors, promote ethnic unity and ensure the social stability of Xinjiang and the entire country.

As he urged the country's police to fully realize the importance of this plan, Zhang called on them to strengthen their cooperation with civil affairs departments in saving the children and assisting with their return home.

The move came one day after Public Security Minister Meng Jianzhu, during an inspection of Xinjiang, urged local police to adopt "resolute and effective" measures to fight crime and strengthen the sense of security among people there.


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