

Policeman detained for shooting hotel employees

Updated: 2011-04-21 10:48


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NANNING - A police officer who shot and wounded two hotel employees over a fee dispute in Southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region was under criminal detention, police said Thursday.

Lu Tao, 38, allegedly shot two employees of the Hangkong Hotel in the region's capital city of Guilin on Monday after arguing with them over fees, said a spokesman with the city's police bureau.

Lu was a police officer with the Xingbin branch of the city of Laibin's police bureau, he said.

The manager of the hotel's entertainment section surnamed Li and an employee surnamed Qin were wounded.

Li's vital organs were not damaged. Qin was more seriously hurt but is in stable condition after seven hours of surgery, said doctors at the No 181 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army.

Lu's colleague, a man surnamed Huang, who was also involved in the dispute, was under investigation, said the spokesman.

Police vowed that they will cooperate with prosecuting authorities to investigate and deal with the case in accordance with the law.


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