

94-year-old man becomes oldest CEO in Chongqing

Updated: 2011-03-24 09:04

(China Daily)

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One old-timer in Chongqing became the oldest CEO there after he took the helm of a private company last April.

The 94-year-old He Qingbo is a retired small and medium-sized business administration official who likes inventing things and held 10 national patents on his inventions at the age of 86.

To turn his patents into real products, he acquired a health products research firm and appointed himself head.

Later, a close look at the city's industrial and commercial bureau statistics revealed that he was the city's most senior company executive - in years.

He explained his latest move: "I've tried my best over the past year to get one of my inventions - an air purifier - into production. Currently, the design has been modified, but I'm not fully satisfied and want to make more improvements."

(Chongqing Evening News)


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