

China's nuclear projects approval to be restarted

Updated: 2011-05-16 16:02

By Qiang Xiaoji (

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Examination and approval of China's nuclear projects may restart soon, but access standards will likely be enhanced, China Business News (CBN) reported Monday.

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China will stick to its goal of achieving an installed nuclear-power capacity of 70 gW by 2020. That is the motivation behind restarting approval of the halted nuclear projects, a source with the China Nuclear Energy Association said at the 7th annual China Nuclear Energy Congress 2011 in Beijing.

Feng Yi, deputy secretary-general of the China Nuclear Energy Association, told CBN that China's nuclear power development will not be influenced by the accident at Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant. But as all countries begin to tighten the nuclear power development for safety concerns, he said China will also raise the threshold for nuclear projects.

Feng said although no official report is released yet, the industry has reached an agreement to enhance the threshold in four ways. He said external events such as natural disasters should be considered when deciding the location of nuclear power plants. Requirements for the emergency reactor's cooling system will be tougher. Standards for the cooling system of the fuel pool and the elimination of hydrogen in the containment will also be strictly enforced, Feng said.


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