

China's Q1 home-made auto sales up 8%

Updated: 2011-04-11 10:15


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BEIJING - China's home-made auto sales went up eight percent year-on-year to 4.98 million units in the first quarter of this year, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) said Sunday.

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The pace of growth was 63.7 percentage points slower than that of the same period last year, said the association.

The home-made auto output totaled 4.9 million units in the first three months, up 7.48 percent year-on-year, but the growth pace was 69.51 percentage points slower than that of the same period in 2010.

Dong Yang, executive vice president and secretary-general of the CAAM, contributed the slower growth rates to oil price hike, expiration of purchases duty incentives, auto purchase restrictions in cities like Beijing and Japanese earthquakes.


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