

China ends anti-dumping measures against steel sheets from Japan, ROK

Updated: 2011-04-09 11:48


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BEIJING - China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) announced Friday that the country would end anti-dumping measures against cold-rolled stainless steel sheets imported from Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK), effective on April 8.

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A statement on the MOC website Friday said China had first slapped an anti-dumping tax on cold-rolled stainless steel sheets from Japan and the ROK for a five-year term in 2000.

The country decided on April 8, 2006 to further extend the anti-dumping measures for another five years, the statement said.

The statement said industrial representatives and organizations at home had been allowed to file applications to the MOC for a reexamination of the imports 60 days before the anti-dumping measures expired on April 8, 2011.

The MOC said it had received no applications during the period, and the anti-dumping measures had come to an end.


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